Monday, December 11, 2006

Screening Assignments

I've made up the first 12 screening assignments. The months and people were paired randomly, although I have doubled up some people to make a nice even 12. If some drop out, or if some add, this all should be pretty easy to adjust over the next year. And I suppose month trading is OK too. :)

The 2007 Film Club Screening Schedule!
January - Steve Kramer
February - Davin Haukebo-Bol
March - Drew and Genevieve Hirschboeck
April - Sarah Berseth
May - Dana Johnson
June - Anna (and maybe me) Hagstrom
July - Laura Steinkraus
August - Bess and local representative Jay Gould
September - Lou Abramowski
October - Juli Hagstrom and Tom Wendt
November - Bea Melby and maybe Jim Hagstrom
December - Tom Walker

If we want to talk about yearly or seasonal themes at all, now would be the time. Or we can let our first couple films guide the later selections.

Ok, now I'm going to try not to post anything until someone else starts a topic here!

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